Insiders and Outsiders in the Age of Pieter Bruegel

  • Course
  • Fall 2016
  • Instructor: Professors Elizabeth Honig me at by mid-August as there will be assigned readings for the first meeting. This class may be taken for 2 units (without research component) or for 4....

Image and Imagination in Early Modern Literature

  • Course
  • Fall 2015
  • Instructor: Professor Niklaus Largier
Focusing on the history of iconoclasm, images, practices of figuration, and the imagination, this course will trace key aspects of the literary and intellectual history from the 16th to the...


...member affiliated with the DE, and the committee should be formed in consultation with the Head Graduate Advisor. Degree Upon successful completion of the dissertation, the student’s transcript and diploma...

Constitutionalism before the Constitution

  • Course
  • Spring 2013
  • Instructor: Kinch Hoekstra
This is a seminar in the history of political and legal theory. We will explore the idea of fundamental law, illegal laws, mixed government and divided sovereignty, the development of...

Constitutionalism before the Constitution

  • Course
  • Spring 2018
  • Instructor: Professor Kinch Hoekstra
This is a seminar in the history of political and legal theory. We will explore the idea of fundamental law, illegal laws, mixed government and divided sovereignty, the development of...