Past Events Draft Page

Spring 2024 

March 7 | 4 pm

John Carriero's Philosophy Department Colloquium Talk

January 25 | 2 pm | 3205 Dwinelle

The REMS/Philosophy reading group will meet this semester from 2-3pm every other Thursday, beginning next Thursday, January 25th. Our first meeting will be in 3205 Dwinelle. If you can’t come to the first meeting but want to be on our reading group’s mailing list, please fill out this form.
No reading outside of the allotted time will be expected: during the meetings, we will take turns reading the text aloud, pausing for discussion along the way.  We will pick up in the middle of Part II of Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. For those who weren’t able to attend in the fall but want to do their homework, we will start with Philo’s “I was from the beginning scandalized…”.

Fall 2022 

November 17 & 18 | 12 pm

Marie G. Ringrose Graduate Lecture - Prof. Ayesha Ramachandran (Yale) 

October 14 & 15 | 12 pm | 370 Dwinelle Hall 

Crossroads of Knowledge: Italy and the Republic of Letters - Keynote speakers: Paula Findlen (Stanford University) and Anthony Grafton (Princeton University)

September 14 | 10 am | 282 Dwinelle Hall 

Anita Traninger (Freie Universität, Berlin) ‘Resonance and Serendipity: Figurations of Literary Connectivity.' Workshop with graduate students.

September 13 | 5 pm | 3335 Dwinelle Hall

Anita Traninger (Freie Universität, Berlin), "The Unwanted Reader: Towards a Theory of Literary Resonance in a Global Perspective" 

September 9 | 12 pm | 300 Wheeler Hall 

J.Michelle Molina (Northwestern University), "Inventories of Ruin: The Demise of Mexican Jesuits"