
Fall 2024

October 30 | 5 pm | Dwinelle 6331

Roundtable with Jonas Roelens (University of Ghent) and Thomas W. Laqueur (UC Berkeley), around Jonas Roelens, Citizens and Sodomites: Persecution and Perception of Sodomy in the Southern Low Countries (1400-1700)

November 7 | 5 pm | Wheeler 300 

"The Principal Ruffian," a talk by Professor Rachel Eisendrath (Barnard). "The Principal Ruffian" is a story about a con man in New York City who is made to confront his own underlying nihilism. The story is also about a country cut adrift from awareness of its own historical content--and about my experiments, as a scholar of ancient and early modern literature, to depict the subjective experience of this national psychic self-ignorance. Homer and Shakespeare figure prominently.

Sponsored by the Katharine Bixby Hotchkis Chair in English.

The Principal Ruffian, Event Poster

November 13 | 5 pm | Dwinelle 6331

Arielle Saiber (Jonhs Hopkins), A Psychedelic Renaissance: Contemporary Psychopharmacology Meets Premodernity

November 15-16 | Berkeley-Stanford Symposium

Braudel’s La Méditerranée (1949): Paradigms and Possibilities after 75 Years. See Full Program here.

(2 day conference: Friday 15 at Stanford CMEMS and Saturday 16 the Townsend Center)

Braudel Conference Image Poster

November 20 | 5:00 - 6:30 pm | Institute of South Asian Studies (10 Stephens Hall)

Tamara Sears (Rutgers University), Wilderness Urbanisms: On Politics, Nature, and Travel in the Peripheries of Premodern India

September 13-14 | Townsend Center for the Humanities | Geballe Room

The Trouble with the Early Modern: A Conference in Honor of Victoria Kahn 

Townsend Center for the Humanities

University of California, Berkeley.

Organized by REMS, the DE in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies,

with the support of the Departments of Comparative Literature, English, History, Italian Studies, Rhetoric.

[Full Program here