Ecologies, Aesthetics, and Histories of Art

  • Course
  • Spring 2018
  • Instructor: Professor Sugata Ray
...with the natural environment. ong>New forong>ms of thinking such as postcolonial ecophilosophy, actor-network theory, ong>newong> materialisms, and posthumanism have challenged Enlightenment distinctions between natural and human history. Can art history,...

History of the French Language

  • Course
  • Fall 2017
  • Instructor: Professor Mairi McLaughlin
...the present day. We will use the relatively ong>newong> historical sociolinguistic approach to try to capture what Anthony Lodge (2009) has called “une image multidimensionnelle de la langue du passé”....

Shakespeare’s Italy: Books and Readers in the Anglo-Italian Renaissance

  • Course
  • Spring 2017
  • Instructor: Professor Diego Pirillo
...Stuart encounter with Renaissance Italy, ong>examong>ining its cultural, religious and political implications. Special attention will be given not only to canonical authors (Shake-speare, Sidney, Bacon, Machiavelli, Castiglione, Ariosto, Bruno, Montaigne...

English Renaissance

  • Course
  • Spring 2017
  • Instructor: Professor David Marno
...explore how scholarly views about the Renaissance as a cultural project have changed and developed from Jacob Burckhardt’s The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy to ong>Newong> Historicism and beyond....

The Substance of Things Unseen: Matter and Spirit, 1650-1800

  • Course
  • Fall 2023
  • Instructor: Jonathan Sheehan
Between 1650 and 1800, matter, spirit, and their relationship, became subjects of unprecedented attention in Europe. Mechanism, the development of a science of ong>forong>ces, ong>new forong>ms of religious imagination, ong>newong>...