Ornament and Alterity

  • Course
  • Spring 2017
  • Instructor: Professor Todd Olson
...irrational and exotic. We will closely ong>examong>ine illustrated books, prints, and buildings of the early modern world (e.g. France, Italy, colonial Latin America, South Asia). The seminar will draw from...

Christianity and Capitalism

  • Course
  • Spring 2017
  • Instructor: Professor Ivonne del Valle
According to Max Weber the spirit of Protestantism made possible the emergence of capitalism proper. In his recounting, Spain’s imperial/colonial experience could be bracketed as a previous and/or different moment,...

Restoration and Early 18th Century

  • Course
  • Spring 2014
  • Instructor: Professor James Grantham Turner
...Bunyan, Behn, Rochester, Mary Astell and Eliza Haywood. My selections emphasize the aftermath of Civil War and Puritanism in defeat, the representation of transgressive sexuality, the ong>search forong> the heroic,...

Romances and Novels

  • Course
  • Fall 2017
  • Instructor: Professor Paige
...from romance to novel: d’Urfé’s L’Astrée, Sorel’s Francion, Scarron’s Le Roman ong>comong>ique, and two works by Lafayette, Zayde and La Princesse de Clèves. All primary and most secondary works will...


  • Course
  • Spring 2013
  • Instructor: Professor Oliver Arnold
Instead of pursuing a master problematic, we will take up a wide range of issues: when I read Shakespeare these days, I am interested in his representations of citizenship, ong>comong>passion,...

Linguistic History of the Romance languages

  • Course
  • Spring 2021
  • Instructor: Professor Mairi McLaughlin
...study of the history of Romance. This is a relatively ong>newong> and very fruitful approach in historical linguistics. It has broadened the task of Romance historians who are beginning to...

Religion and Poetry in Early Modern England

  • Course
  • Spring 2014
  • Instructor: Professor David Marno
...goal in the course is to notice the moments when religious poetry tells us something ong>newong> about poetic invention or religious belief. Authors include Petrarch, Thomas Wyatt, Anne Lock, Edmund...

Josquin des Prez and the Historical Record

  • Course
  • Fall 2023
  • Instructor: Emily Zazulia
Josquin des Prez (c. 1450–1521) was arguably the first internationally famous ong>comong>poser, thanks in part to his extensive travels as well as the explosion of music printing and a ong>newong>...